Our school is a one form entry mixed primary school with a capacity for 218 children between the ages of 4 and 11.
Our Reception intake is 30.
All admission and transfer arrangements are in accordance with the policy laid down by the Local Authority for the area.
Please click here to visit the Schools Admissions page of Cumbria County Council. If you are looking for the Admissions Policy, click here to see the criteria used to select children if the school is over-subscribed.
School Places Team
This is the department within the LA that is responsible for allocating places to children in the area. If you would like to contact them directly, their telephone number is 01228 221582 and their email address is
School Admissions and Appeals
PO Box 415
Mid-Year Transfers
St. Michael's is a very popular school, but there are occasionally places available for those moving into the area or wishing to transfer from another school.
If you wish to enquire if a place is currently available you can call us on 01228 711544, but please be aware that all places are allocated by the Local Authority so you must register your details and interest with them - see 'School Places Team' contact details shown above.
Catchment Area 
Please click on the icon to see a map of St. Michael's catchment area. This is the map used by the Local Authority - but it is not definitive and many of our pupils come from outside this area.
Applying for a place in Reception
The procedure for children beginning their full time education at St. Michael's is as follows:
In the October prior to starting, obtain an information pack and application form from your child's nursery/pre-school or St. Michael's.
Make an appointment to meet Mrs Smith and visit the school.
Either complete the admission form and return this to St. Michael's before the deadline or apply online.
If you return your form to us, we will submit your application; if you apply online, we will be notified of your application.
The LA will allocate places and inform parents of their decision in April
Preparing to start at St Michael's
Once you have been allocated a place, the induction programme is as follows:
Mrs Smith will write confirming your place and inviting you to attend a meeting (usually late June) to learn about the school and what you need to do to prepare your child for September.
Mrs McArdle, our Reception teacher, will visit the nursery and pre-school settings attended by the new starters to introduce herself and meet the children.
There is a meeting in June to inform new parents about the school organisation and along with the opportunity to purchase PE kits, book bags, ties etc.
The new Reception children will spend two half day sessions at St. Michael's in July to familiarise themselves with the school.
There are obviously lots of things to think about - but during the above stages we hope to answer most of your questions and make the start of term as stress free as possible! Please feel free to contact the school on 01228 711544 with any query, no matter how small, and we will do our best to help.
St. Michael's does not have a pre-school, but there is one in the village that meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
For further details, please contact Jo Short on 01228 712000 on these days, or 07734 487601 at other times.
There is also a privately-run nursery, Abacus, which is located on the Barras Road Industrial Estate and can be contacted on 01228 712888
The children start school early in September. They are entitled to free school meals, but do not have to have them if you prefer to provide a packed lunch.
Our Classes
We have seven classes at St. Michael's. The three infant classes are Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Reception Class is the 'Early Years' stage of education. Years 1 and 2 are known as 'Key Stage 1' or KS1. At the end of Year 2 the children are assessed using the KS1 SATs.
The four junior classes are Years 3,4,5 and 6. These are known collectively as 'Key Stage 2' or 'KS2'. In May of Year 6 the children sit exams known as SATs (Standard Attainment Tests). These provide a guide as to the attainment of the children for the secondary schools and are used for the Government's league tables.
The School Day
The school day starts at 9am and finishes for Reception at 3.15pm, Years 1 and 2 at 3.20pm and for the juniors (Years 3 - 6) at 3.30pm.
We ask that children do not arrive too early in the morning. School staff will be in the playgrounds from 8.50am every morning and at 8.55am the whistle will be blown. Children then go into school a class at a time. We ask that (except for Reception in the Autumn term) parents do not enter the school other than to visit the office at this time. If you have any concerns these will be passed on to your child's class teacher via the office staff.
We have Collective Worship every day. This can be as a whole school, a Key Stage or class Collective Worship. The vicar hosts regular Collective Worship in school and other visitors often join us to provide variety. Once a week we having a singing Collective Worship and each Monday we have our Celebration Collective Worship when the week's 'achievement certificates' are given out.
Lunch time is from 12-1pm. We have our own kitchen on site and the meals are very popular.
The children also have morning and afternoon breaks.
St. Michael's provides out of hours support through our Breakfast Club and After School Club.