The School Governing Body

The Governing Body is responsible for the decision making that affects the school. There are currently eleven governors including the Headteacher, Mrs Smith. The full Governing Body meets once a term (twice in the Summer Term) and the committees each meet once a term. There are three committees which deal with certain aspects of the school.

The Headteacher and Chairs of Governors are members of all committees. Each committee has its own Chair and the Chair for each committee is marked in bold below.

The Joint Chairs of Governors are Mrs Rachel Hogarth and Mr Billy Mallinson, both of whom can be contacted via the school at:

St. Michael's C.E. Primary School

Carlisle Road




Telephone: 01228 711544

Buildings and Grounds

Committee Members: Billy Mallinson, Brendan McArdle, Sarah Caulfield, Lyndsey Dalton, Emma Davenport, Ian Newton (Associate Member)

Curriculum and Pastoral

Committee Members: Brendan McArdle, Tara Telford, Peter Brookes, Rachel Hogarth, David Newlove, Sarah Miller, Gill Mawson (Associate Member)

Finance and Staffing

Committee Members: Sarah Caulfield, Tara Telford, Emma Davenport, Lyndsey Dalton, Billy Mallinson, Rachel Hogarth


Business Interests

At the start of every academic year the governors are asked to declare any business or financial interests . In October 2023, two governors declared business interests. In addition, at the start of every meeting, Governors are asked to declare any interests in the agenda items for that particular meeting. If any are declared, they are minuted.

Attendance at Meetings

The table below show attendance at meetings from January 2021 to date. Most of these have been held via Zoom because of the pandemic.

Ref Meeting Date Apologies Accepted? Notes
58 Full Governors 19/01/2021 BMc Yes via Zoom
B&G 31 Buildings and Grounds 02/02/2021 None   via Zoom
F&S 31 Finance and Staffing 02/03/2021 None   via Zoom
C&P 31 Curriculum and Pastoral 16/03/2021 BP Yes via Zoom
59 Full Governors 27/04/2021 AB Yes via Zoom
B&G 32 Buildings and Grounds 11/05/2021 None   via Zoom
F&S 32 Finance and Staffing 11/05/2021 None   *
C&P 32 Curriculum and Pastoral 08/06/2021 BP, RH, BMc, VD Yes via Zoom
60 Full Governors 06/07/2021 None   via Zoom
EGM Extra Governors Meeting 07/09/2021 None   Meeting to discuss 3 urgent issues
61 Full Governors 12/10/2021 None   via Zoom
B&G 33 Buildings and Grounds 19/10/2021 BR, BMc Yes via Zoom
C&P 33 Curriculum and Pastoral 23/11/2021 BP Yes via Zoom
F&S 33 Finance and Staffing 30/11/2021 ABy Yes via Zoom
62 Full Governors Meeting 25/01/2022 BMc, RH Yes via Zoom
B&G 34 Buildings and Grounds 22/02/2022 None   via Zoom
C&P 34 Curriculum and Pastoral 30/03/2022 TT, BP Yes via Zoom
F&S 34 Finance and Staffing 30/03/2022 None   via Zoom
63 Full Governors Meeting 04/05/2022 TT, SC Yes via Zoom
F&S 35 Finance and Staffing 25/05/2022 SC Yes via Zoom
B&G 35 Buildings and Grounds 14/06/2022 BMc, TT Yes Face to face
C&P 35 Curriculum and Pastoral 29/06/2022 None   via Zoom
64 Full Governors Meeting 13/07/2022 BMc, ED Yes Face to face
65 Full Governors Meeting 05/10/2022 ED Yes Face to face
B&G 36 Buildings and Grounds 11/10/2022 TT Yes Face to face
C&P 36 Curriculum and Pastoral 02/11/2022 TT Yes via Zoom
F&S 36 Finance and Staffing 10/01/2023 RH, BR Yes via Zoom
66 Full Governors Meeting 18/01/2023 TT Yes Face to face
B&G 37 Buildings and Grounds 24/01/2023 BMc, TT Yes Face to face
F&S 37 Finance and Staffing 01/03/2023 None   via Zoom
C&P 37 Curriculum and Pastoral 08/03/2023 BMc, PB Yes via Zoom
B&G 38 Building and Grounds 16/05/2023 BR Yes Face to face
67 Full Governors Meeting 16/05/2023 ED, PB, LP, BP Yes Face to face
F&S 38 Finance and Staffing 14/06/2023 SC Yes via Zoom
68 Full Governors Meeting 12/07/2023 PB, TT, LP, ED, BMc Yes Face to face
69 Full Governors Meeting 04/10/2023 RH, TT, BP Yes Face to face
B&G 39 Buildings and Grounds 18/10/2023 SC Yes Face to face
C&P 39 Curriculum and Pastoral 01/11/2023 TT Yes via Zoom
F&S 39 Finance and Staffing 15/11/2023 RH Yes via Zoom
70 Extraordinary Full Governors 14/12/2023 BP, PB, TT Yes via Zoom
71 Full Governors Meeting 24/01/2024 None   via Zoom
B&G 40 Buildings and Grounds 08/02/2024 SC Yes via Zoom
C&P 40 Curriculum and Pastoral 06/03/2024 None   via Zoom
F&S 40 Finance and Staffing 13/03/2024 TT, LD Yes via Zoom
B&G 41 Buildings and Grounds 15/05/2024 BM Yes Face to face
72 Full Governors Meeting 15/05/2024 BM, TT, PB Yes Face to face
F&S 41 Finance and Staffing 19/06/2024 TT, RH Yes via Zoom
73 Full Governors Meeting 25/09/2024 ED, LD, TT Yes Face to face

* Meeting declared quorate as 3 governors in attendance


There are four meetings of the Full Governing Body per year. The most recently approved minutes can be requested from the office.


The Governing Body is responsible for keeping the school's policies up to date. There are a great number of these concerning teaching and learning, safeguarding and staffing as well as the physical aspects of the school and its finances. Those most pertinent to parents have been identified and can be found by clicking here. If you have any concerns that are not covered by these policies, please get in touch with Mrs Smith.

Governing Body Structure


Mrs Lorna Smith

Local Authority Governor, appointed by the Local Authority

Mr Brendan McArdle, term of office 2 March 2021 - 1 March 2025

Foundation Governors, appointed by the Diocese of Carlisle

Rev. Ben Phillips, term of office started 4 December 2019 (ex officio)

Rev. David Newlove, term of office 2 October 2023 - 1 October 2027

Co-opted Governors, appointed by the Governing Body

Mrs Sarah Caulfield, term of office 19 January 2021 - 18 January 2025

Mr Billy Mallinson, term of office 27 April 2021 - 26 April 2025

Mrs Lyndsey Dalton, term of office 4 October 2023 - 3 October 2027

Parent Governors*

Mrs Rachel Hogarth, term of office 19 January 2022 - 18 January 2026

Mrs Emma Davenport, term of office 19 January 2022 - 18 January 2026

Mrs Tara Telford, term of office 19 January 2022 - 18 January 2026

* these governors were elected without ballot as there were three vacancies and three parents put their names forward.

Staffing Governor, elected by school staff

Mrs Sarah Miller, term of office 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2025

Associate Members, appointed by Governing Body

Mr Ian Newton

Mr Newton attends Buildings and Grounds meetings. As an associate member he does not have voting rights. He is the school's Site Manager.

Miss Gill Mawson

Miss Mawson attends Full Governor, and Curriculum and Pastoral meetings. As an associate member she does not have voting rights. She is the school's Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Clerk to the Governors

Miss Helena Jonsson (who also attends all Committee meetings)